Saturday, January 3, 2009

Queue times and intresting blogs.

Heh, I've had a mild urge to blog a lot more, I don't know why. I'm not really going to cover much, just some of my gear that I'm upgrading with.

First of all, if you want to read a different perspective on info for feral cats or bears, check out ThinkTank and Secret Agent Cat.They provide great gearing details, and other interesting ideas. ThinkTank crunches numbers, and Secret Agent Cat is more of just a druid perspective, but they are both great!

So here is some interesting info. Queue times are up again. I restarted my computer, and got this when I attempted to log into WoW.

That's right, a 1012 queue time. Talk about annoying.

In other news, I am gearing up really quickly for being a feral druid. I got Gored Hide Leggings and a couple other epics. I farm for only the best feral gear you can get pre-naxx, I advise you to do the same. That's all for today, later.

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