Sunday, February 22, 2009

Feral damage per second at 80. (NOT UPDATED)


I recently was asked a question by a fan, ixioxi, on youtube.

"Hey mate, I'm currently leveling up a level 65 druid, but I'm not sure what spec I want to be at level 80. Someone told me cat DPS sucks at that level, and someone else told me it doesn't... is druid kitty dps nerfed to less in 3.0.8? Or should spec moonkin for raiding (I dont really like moonkin but the dps rocks I heard) thanks!
:) "

I decided to reply to him and use it as a blog post as well, so here you guys go.

The reason why you might keep hearing that "feral dps sucks at 80" is because we literally have the most complex rotation in the game. It's learnable, but it takes some time and a small bit of effort. If you don't get it down, it can greatly mess up how much dps you do.

As for does a boomkin do better dps? It really depends on the gear level/skill of both of the feral and boomkin. If they are relatively the same it would be a race. The boomkin might come out on top but by very little. I raid with two boomkins, both of which have slightly more gear than I do; and I'm almost always beating them.

Largely it's because of how I set up my stats. Feral druids tend to go towards agility because the basic idea is that 1% crit gives 1% damage, but it stops giving that much extra damage the higher you get. That's why it's beneficial to get a lot of strength.

In fact, strength might be our most important stat, because if we crit, and only do two damage or such because our attack power is so low, the crit ends up being completely useless. So make sure to gem and enchant for strength, as you will get more than enough crit from the agility on items already.

I hope this answers your question, thanks for asking it.

That's all for today guys, keep checking back for more.

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